The open space at Fernlands is very small and surrounded by residential properties, including a new housing development. The site presents some real challenges in terms of the site size and the proximity of neighbouring houses including overlooking windows and gardens.
The existing open space is used by local residents and dog walkers and currently has no play equipment on site.
As part of the overall improvements to the open space, Council Officers and local residents were keen to see some minor landscaping around the open space. This was to be natural in feel, using excavated material for land sculpturing, with the addition of boulders and play equipment in keeping with the area.
SLC Design Concept
Enchanted Woodland was the chosen concept or theme proposed for this space. This theme would suit the context and character of the existing space, and would enable a simple yet adventurous series of play and discovery activities to be developed. It also allows for a wide range of imaginative play beyond what is prescribed by the proposed equipment, and can be expanded upon in future years. A focus on a woodland theme would also allow for enhancement of the existing biodiversity, to allow the space to become an increasingly vibrant and interesting natural space, for local residents to use and enjoy.